Makeup Tips

Here at Harlotte we love nothing more than bringing a face to life with a gorgeous dewy complexion. That’s why we had our lab develop a beautiful creamy base, known as our best-selling AfterGlow Foundation, which is formulated for long wear and is also rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Teamed with one of our blushes and our gorgeous Ego Cheek Highlighter, you can achieve that sought-after Harlotte glow.

Here are a few of our fave makeup tips and tricks.

Sexy Lips Tips

Looking for an instant pout?
Fill in the centre of your top and bottom lips with our White Hi-Lighter Pencil and blend edges. Outline lips with either Naked Pink Lipliner or Naked Beige Lipliner and finish off with Clear Lipshine.
Apply a small amount of highlighter just above the cupids bow of the top lip. Try a dot of our Ego Highlighter. One of our favourite tricks.

Want larger eyes?

Make your eyes appear larger by applying our White Hi-Lighter to the inner rim of your eyes and apply our Too Sweet or Drama Queen Lashes. Your eyes will instantly look bigger.

*Lining the inner rim with a dark eyeliner will make your eyes appear smaller.


We prefer strobing (highlighting) over heavy contouring.
Strobing is fresher and way easier for the non-makeup artist to accomplish.Strobing tips:

  • On your cheekbones
  • Temples
  • Down the bridge of your nose
  • Browbone
  • Corners of your inner eyes
  • Above cupids bow

Apply sparingly. You don’t want to look like a shiny hot mess.


When using a bold shade of lippy, apply the matching lipliner AFTER the lipstick for a beautiful kissable mouth. You are then able to achieve a much better result.


Try and avoid powdering over foundation. If you want to look young and fresh, go the dewy look. If necessary, powder down the Tzone which may be prone to oiliness.


OK so mascara really should only have a 3 month shelf-life BUT if you are desperate before your new one arrives, drop a couple of drops of eyedrops or saline solution into the formula and then move the wand around inside. The formula will instantly be softened making it then easy to apply as normal.


After applying glue to the rim of the false lash, wait approximately 30 seconds for the glue to become tacky before applying to the eye. This way the false lash won’t slide around and makes it a lot easier to position the lash right where you want it. Aim for the base of your natural lash line, right on top of your real lashes, not touching the eyelid at all. Harlotte false lashes can be used many times. It is best to apply mascara before you apply lashes if you want your false lashes to last.


Getting ready for a big event and want soft supple lips? Use a baby toothbrush to exfoliate the lips. Buff lightly in small round circular motions. A homemade exfoliant can be made with sugar and oil.


Do you have a soft creamy eye or lip pencil that’s your favourite but it keeps breaking off when sharpening? Quick fix: Put it in the freezer for a few hours beforehand. Problem solved.